Recruiter Login / Create Account

Your account will allow you to post and manage job openings, search and manage job candidates, create a company profile, and much more!

Please note: All members will need to reset their password on the CPRA Career Center in order to login. Please enter your email address and then click the "Forgot your password or having trouble logging in?" link. Please follow the directions on the following page to reset your password. If you are a job seeker, login here.

Existing Users Login Here


New Users Create an Account

Your Information

* First Name
* Last Name
Job Title
* Email Address
* Re-enter Email Address
* Phone Number
Fax Number

Your Company's Information

* Company
* Organization Type
* Address
Address 2
* City
* State / Province
* Zip / Postal Code
* Country


Passwords must be between 6 and 25 characters.

* Password
* Re-enter Password

Terms and Conditions